Keep up to date with the latest news from the Bath and North East Somerset Community Wellbeing Hub.
Smokers unaware that quitting smoking will reduce risk of dementia
Smokers in BaNES are being urged to give quitting a go ahead of No Smoking Day (8th March), as resea…
Community Wellbeing Hub offers practical support for patients discharged from hospital or avoiding hospital admission
With the continued high demand for hospital beds across the district, Bath and North East Somerset’s…
Promoting self-management for people with early symptoms of long covid
Estimates suggest that up to 100,000 people across the country are suffering from long covid, which…
How the Hub was established
We are very proud of what we have achieved in Bath and North East Somerset in setting up our Communi…
Why Call The Community Wellbeing Hub? Because we care
Find out more about the Community Wellbeing Hub…
Changes to the volunteer shopping and medication offer
After more than a year of delivering emergency support to residents across Bath and North East Somer…